Unfortunately the government guidelines for Leicester still prohibit indoor sports and fitness sessions, with the next announcement due on 11th September.
Women's class at St Anne's, Thursdays:
The hall is preparing to reopen from 12th Sept so we may be able to resume training on Thursday 17th Sept - this is all dependent on current restrictions being eased and I will let you all know as soon as the go-ahead is given, including any measures we need to put in place to keep social distance and good hygiene levels.
Kids' class at BRITE Centre, Tuesdays:
The BRITE Centre have no plans to open the community hall till 2021, so I am going to look at other venues nearby for the interim once restrictions are lifted.
Family class at Blaby Social Centre, Sundays:
The hall will not be opening at weekends to allow for cleaning so this class is on hold till I have more info.
I'm sorry it's not more positive news but please rest assured we will open when it is safe to do so.
Thank you all for your patience and support - these are strange times indeed and we are all feeling our way round new regulations in order to keep students as safe as possible.